Britson Sommer Photography

Ann Britson and Katie Sommer. That's us. Sisters. Both moms. And we're Omaha-area photographers specializing in on-location, natural light portraiture of newborns, babies, children, and families. Contact us today for package pricing, scheduling, and other details.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Angel Outtakes

We finally decided on a photo for our blog header, yay! I thought it would be fun to show a few outtakes from when I shot it.

I had to get my settings and lighting correct, of course, which involved taking several test shots. My little model thought he'd relax and take a call or two from his agent.

The photo we decided on looks so serene and calm, so "angelic," right? HA! I had to bribe the kiddo to sit still. You'd never know that he's playing with all sorts of things back there: Goldfish crackers, a cell phone, two blocks, and a pen (yeah, dumb on my part, letting a child play with a pen on a white chair!).

Even with all those goodies, he always seemed ready to bolt the heck outta there.

Finally, he did. Angel on the loose!

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